The Twin 2022

Movie Name: The Twin
Director: Taneli Mustonen
Cast: Teresa Palmer,Steven Cree,Barbara Marten,Tristan Ruggeri,Andres Dvinjaninov.
Edited By: Aleksi Raij,Toni Tikkanen.
Music By: Panu Aaltio
Distributed By: Nordisk Film, Shudder, RLJE Films.
Release Date: 2022-05-06
Release Year: 2022
Country: Finland
Available Language: English
Budget: €2.2 million
IMDB: 5.1
Box Office: $1.6 million
Genre Main: Drama
Genre Full: Drama, Horror, Mystery, Thriller.
Filming Company: Don Films
Official Site:
Picture Color: color
Sound Mix: N/A
Picture Quality: 720/p
File Size: 1GB

Story Line: A mother who needs to confront the unbearable truth about her surviving twin son. Rachel, her husband Anthony, and their son Elliot have moved to Finland from New York in order to deal with the grief of losing Elliot's twin brother Nathan in a car accident. During an excursion, Elliot discovers a wall purported to grant wishes and makes a secret wish. Shortly thereafter he begins talking to an invisible person. Rachel attends a welcome party held by the townspeople where she meets the town doctor and Helen, the latter of whom cryptically references Elliot's wish. Elliot begins to exhibit increasingly disturbing behaviors, including him claiming that he is Nathan. An attempt by Rachel to get the town doctor to treat Elliot ends with him insisting that she is sick and needs therapy. Desperate for answers Rachel reaches out to Helen, who tells her that the town is part of a satanic cult.

Helen further remarks that her dead husband was possessed by an evil entity that showed up in photographs. At home, Rachel takes photographs of Elliot and brings them to the town to get developed. Later she and Elliot hold a séance of sorts that is interrupted by the townspeople and Anthony, who inform her that they want to use Elliot as part of a ritual.“The Twin” is basically “Midsommar” meets “The Boy,” and yet not as fun as that mash-up might imply. Palmer plays Rachel, a woman who isn’t even allowed an ounce of character development before she’s sent headlong into unimaginable grief after a car accident kills one of her twin boys Nathan. To leave the pain of it all as far behind as possible, Rachel, her husband Anthony (Steven Cree), and their surviving son Elliot (Tristan Ruggeri) jet off to Finland, from where Anthony’s family hails.

Almost immediately, Rachel is thrust into bizarre cultural whiplash, including seemingly harmless rituals like a wedding swing that gets malevolent and a local British eccentric who warns her things aren’t as they seem. And then Elliot starts talking about how Nathan isn’t really gone. In fact, Nathan wants to return. Taneli Mustonen directs Palmer to one of those breathy, always-on-edge performances that actively pushes away any attempt at realism, and yet he doesn’t replace it with camp either, leaving the poor actress in one of those turns in which one can always feel her acting but never feel her emotions. At least some effort is made with her, which is more than can be said for the other two members of her family. Anthony is a non-character, a dull sounding board for Rachel to bounce off her concerns about her son, who just gets to play creepy kid notes until the jump scares kick in.

- The Twin (2022 film)
- The Twin (2022)
- The Twin movie review & film summary (2022)
- The Twin - Official Trailer [HD] A Shudder Original
- THE TWIN Trailer (2022) Teresa Palmer, Thriller Movie
- The Twin (2022)
- The Twin (2022) - User reviews
- The Twin (2022) - Reviews, film + cast
- The Twin (2022) Review & Explanation'
- The Twin (2022) – Review Shudder Horror Movie
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