Immortal Combat The Code 2019

Director-Johnny Wu
Producer-Johnny Wu
Screenwriter-Andras Zold
Production Co-Media Design Imaging
Genre-Action, Mystery & Thriller
Original Language-English
Release Date (Streaming)-Aug 30, 2020
Runtime-1h 20m
Aspect Ratio-Scope (2.35:1)
Country- USA
Cast- Ben Zgorecki, Crystle Paynther Collins, Keith Collins, Matt Kane, Jerry Sur, Ben Garton.
When a code that could save the world is secretly injected into a member of the 5 Elements clan, the fate of humanity and the world become intertwined with his fight for survival. When a code that could save the world is secretly injected into a member of the 5 Elements clan, the fate of humanity and the world become intertwined with his fight for survival.
A band of warriors must find a secret code that holds the key to living in a polluted world. When a code that could save the world is secretly injected into a member of the 5 Elements clan, the fate of humanity and the world become intertwined with his fight for survival.
A member of the 5 Elements clan becomes the most wanted man in the world when injected with a secret code that could save humanity from disaster.
- Immortal Combat: The Code (2019)
- Reviews: Immortal Combat: The Code
- Watch Immortal Combat: The Code | Prime Video
- Immortal Combat: The Code
- Immortal Combat The Code (Tamil) (2019) - Movies
- Immortal Combat: The Code 2019 Full Movie Online
- Wu Xia 2 The Code
- Immortal Combat: The Code
- Immortal Combat: The Code
- Immortal Combat the Code (2019)
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